Tuesday, February 3, 2015

2nd Vocabulary Story

I watched as the seemingly demure new student walked in. I began to wonder about her, why is she here? Did she move or is she part of the WWP? I chuckled at that last thought. She had a pixie cut with brown hair that shimmered under the light. I was interested in her, what was her personality like? By her army-green-pattern, baggy sweater, and her black skinny jeans, maybe she was having a slipshod-day.

As the school day passed, the new girl seemed to be ubiquitous. I passed her multiple times during lunch hour, making awkward eye contact and a courteous smile both given and received.  Now looking at her slipshod outfit, I almost hope she doesn’t vegetate.  Lunch ended and she was even in my next class. I was honestly getting a bit suspicious.  Why was she everywhere? Goodness…

After school had ended, I went to my mothers’ bakery and yes- the new girl walked in. Everywhere, I thought. I could almost compare her to The Cold people get in the wintertime, its everywhere and you’re almost guaranteed to catch it; or in this case, run into it. She ordered a blueberry muffin and I gladly gave it to her and took the money that was due. She wasn’t too terrible. Maybe we could be friends, that is, if she doesn’t vegetate.

I watched as she ate her muffin in her chair with her female friend. I learned some things about her: Her name is Julia, she laughs at non sequitur statements and malapropisms that her friend seemingly cannot stop saying, her personality certainly was not impregnable, and she wasn’t really into pragmatic things.  Maybe the demure new girl isn’t so demure after all. Yes, she can be my friend.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Vocabulary Story

High school is a weird adventure. It’s filled with people you would call a dunce, a Charleston or maybe even a sycophant. Nonetheless, you still have to go and just deal with these people. This leads to making strategies for how to avoid to put up with them. Firstly, you might plummet yourself into acting nice to them if/when you run into them but think them as nefarious. If they ever did something rude or mean to you, might become vindictive and think you’re doing them a favor for doing just one bad thing to them instead of a lot of bad things. Although, that plan might backfire, the person you got back at might tell on you to someone to vindicate himself as a form of getting the last laugh.

Of course, all these things of ‘dealing’ with a sycophant will probably just lead you to disliking them even more. This is a very pernicious cycle. You don’t like them, they hurt you, you become vindictive, and they get to vindicate, you get mad, and the cycle is complete and repeats. The only way to get yourself out of this vicious cycle is to let it go. Not sing the song, but actually let go of the dislike and ignore them. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

50 things to be thankful for

1) A house
2) Having both parents
3) Having an education
4) Having heat
5) Being mostly healthy
6) Having clothes
7) Having friends
8) Having family
10) Having a pet
11) Having internet
12) Music
13) Having a white Christmas
14) Having a place to live
15) Books and writing
16) Fire places
17) Heat
18) Blankets
19) Movies
20) Television
21) Electricity
22) Beanies
23) Having rights
24) Pencils
25) Sketch books
26) Clothing
27) Phone
28) Phone case
29) Shoes
30) Having a backpack
31) Having skin
32) Headphones
33) Optometry
34) Hair ties
35) Computers
36) The ability to have a choice
37) The ability to speak
38) Pain relievers
39) Chocolates
40) Water
41) Food
42) Love
43) Nice people
44) Guitars
45) Picks
46) Jeans
47) Variety of frabrics
48) Shakespear
49) Edgar Allen Poe
50) Concerts

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Speaking Of Courage

I liked how this chapter was called "Speaking Of Courage" and how it talks about them laying in a literal shit field. I liked it because sometimes, when you're in a shit field (figuratively or literally), you need courage to just lay there and let it smell badly. To have courage, you have to stay in that field, letting it touch you, letting it in your mouth so that you can taste it and feel the texture on your tongue, you have to let it take a hold of your senses no matter how bad it may stink. You would not have courage however if you just ran away from it, anyone can do that. Anyone can run away from shit fields, but guess who can lay in the shit fields? People with courage.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Update on novel; Prozac Nation

I've just started "Prozac Nation" by Elizabeth Wurtzel today, I've only read the first paragraph so far. The cover of the book is what got me to read it; A a tired looking teenage girl with the words "young and depressed in America" Tracing a fraction of her body with stitches across the picture. I'm very excited to read this and find out what it's about, there was no description or summary on the back cover.  I'm really hopeful for this novel, I want to finish it but then again, I don't. I have a feeling it'll be one of those kind of books, the kind you'll want to stay in forever.

Monday, September 29, 2014

The novel I'm reading currently is "Someone Like You" by Sarah Dessen. So far, it's not far fetched like some novels, so I really like it. It's realistic, you can picture something like this happening to you. It's not a love novel either, so that's refreshing. It's about two best friends, Halley and Scarlett. Halley is the quiet one and Scarlett is the girl who's more outgoing, everyone knows her. So, everything was going well in their little novel lives. Until Scarlett's boyfriend, Michael, dies in an accident and later finds out she's pregnant with his child. MTV has done a series of 16 year olds being pregnant (which I've never seen) but it's different when you read about it. It kind of pulls things into perspective that these kinds of things really do happen and not just on TV shows.